Monday, October 3, 2011

Whiskers the basketballer!!

Matariki, Cody S., and Cody H. said:
On Friday Whiskers played basketball in the back room. She was rolling the basketball around on the floor with her nose and the side of her head.
Whiskers was enjoying herself and we think that she could go into a basketball team.
We like Whiskers because she is cuddly and she is fun to watch.

The Disco

Last Thursday night we had a disco at school.
Grace wrote: I was at the disco at school. I did take my brother along too. I danced on the stage.
Matariki wrote: I went to the disco with my brother. We ran to the school. I was wearing a coloured wig.

Yummy Banana Splits

Last week we made banana splits. Some of the kids from Nile Room
came and helped us. We had fruit salad and icecream and cream. On the top we put hundreds and thousands and also chocolate hail. They were really yum! Sequoia and Shay